Optimizing Web Images
Save pictures, graphics and product images as jpg. The only reason for a png is for an image with a transparent background, ie logos, product images (designated with prodimage for the “Picture Description” in the name, see diagram below), floating slider images, etc.
Dimensions: Rectangle images 2,500pixelsx(relative height), Square images 2,000×2,000px. If images are smaller use that size, do NOT size up.
Web Image Optimizer: https://tinypng.com/
Image naming style (6.5 inch speakers should just be “6-inch-speaker”). OK to have a multiple of same description, ie closeup-01, closeup-02, closeup-03:

The word angled was used to describe the position of the speaker when photographed, this could add confusion with the angled style speaker, use the word “side” instead of “angled” for the position.
When uploading properly named images to Wordpress, copy the Title box (which should be the same as the name) and paste into the Alt text box.